Tipper Gore once said, ‘We know that mental illness is not something that happens to other people. It touches us all. Why then is mental illness met with so much misunderstanding and fear?’
Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions about mental illness that people believe, and those misconceptions can lead to a lot of misunderstanding and fear surrounding the topic.
Mental Health Therapy for Mental Illness Isn’t for the Weak Minded
One of the biggest misconceptions mental health experts want you to know that is untrue is: Mental health therapy isn’t for the weak minded.
People who seek therapy are not weak or weak minded. They are strong. They are seeking help to combat an illness or disease. And they are seeking help just like any one of us would do with any other illness or disease.
What You Should Know About Mental Health Therapy
This is just one item from a list of a few different things mental health experts would like you to know about mental health therapy. To learn more, please read the Elemental Mental Health article: What Mental Health Providers Want You to Know About Mental Health Therapy. And for more information about mental health counseling services from Elemental Mental Health, please contact us.